The New Normal – Thoughts on Marketing During COVID-19

What is normal? I always laughed when someone asked that because ‘normal’ is different for each person. A month ago, you most likely would have responded with your daily routine, one you have had for many months or even years. It probably included driving to the office on a daily basis, taking the same route, going out to a restaurant for a meal, visiting the movie theater, maybe heading to a park for exercise and fresh air, community activities, sporting events, and hanging out with family and/or friends. Had you ever put the words social and distancing together?

Today many of us are quarantined in our homes, adapting to having a home office at the kitchen table, learning new technology, balancing being a teacher to your child(ren) and strangely looking forward to a daily (or two) walk. Vacations are getting rescheduled, church services are streamed over a computer or a living room TV, and your car has had the same tank of gas in it for a month. You may even say you are slowing down.

Being in advertising for over 20 years, the only other time I can remember such uncertainty was 9/11. But even then, businesses and people’s lives seemed to recover quicker. That event was and always will be a tragedy. It affected the world, but in a different way.

But this pandemic affects every person, business, city, state, town, zip code in a way the world has never experienced.

Businesses are evaluating budgets, since everyone is uncertain what is coming. Everyone is learning to be flexible and have different, sometime difficult conversations about day-to-day business expectations. Companies are getting creative in order to find new revenue streams. Some budgets are shifting from Q2 to Q3 or Q4, but nonetheless business owners are confident that consumers will be back.

TV viewing is growing, as is radio listenership. People find comfort in the local news outlets, sprinkled in with familiar on-air ‘jocks’ being serious but still able to bring a smile. Streaming TV, broadcast and cable viewership is growing – especially during the day. Digital traffic is higher than ever, with more online school and working from home going on. Social media allows us to instantly connect and check-on friends and loved one’s across town or across the country.

As a business, it is important to stay in front of your current – and potentially new – consumer base. Being quarantined, many consumers are realizing they are tired of the couch/carpet/car/paint color/wall art/kitchen counter/etc. and they are ready to research products and buy once businesses reopen. Keeping your branding message top of mind allows you to continue that relationship and engagement with the public.

If you have questions on your current advertising strategy – or just don’t know what to do next – call Media Venue. We are happy to review your plan and discuss a strategy with you to keep you in front of your consumer base. Of course, from an approved social distance. Call or email Jaclyn Grieshaber at 502-855-4780 or

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