When marketing your business to consumers, one of the most powerful techniques is to establish a social media presence online. Not only can social media offer retargeting opportunities, but it can also increase brand awareness and discovery, provide an outlet for consumers’ product research, help you meet your marketing goals, and more. To better explain the importance of establishing this presence, this article will explain what a social media presence is, why this social media presence is important for your business, which platforms your business should be on, and how to build and establish your business’s presence.
What is a Social Media Presence, and Why is it Important for Your Business?
A social media presence refers to the establishment and upkeep of a business’s social media profiles on channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Maintaining a consistent social media presence is extremely important for businesses, as it not only establishes authority, but it can also boost your business’s SEO score, increase brand engagement, and provide opportunities for marketing and brand discovery.
In fact, an established and consistent social media presence can get your business in front of consumers without running ads. Consumers spend around 2.5 hours a day on social media, which means that posting regularly on social media can bring your business’s social media posts right to consumers’ devices as they browse.
Being active on social media can also provide opportunities for online engagement. 70% of shoppers use Instagram to find their next purchase. Establishing and maintaining your business’s presence on social media can also clear potential roadblocks to consumer engagement; for example, more than 60% of consumers prefer messaging a business on Facebook over calling or emailing.
What Social Media Platforms Should Your Business be Active on?
At Media Venue, we recommend maintaining active business profiles on all major social media networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and (if applicable) YouTube.
Each social media platform is composed of unique demographics and can help reach your target market in not only different ways but with different results. For example, Twitter users experience both greater recall of what they see on the platform (compared to regular internet browsing) and a better likelihood of spending additional time looking at Twitter ads.
Furthermore, many brands have experienced higher ROAs on Pinterest and a greater likelihood for impulse purchases from Snapchat users. In this way, posting regularly on each platform can provide distinct results for your business.
Build and Establish Your Presence
It is imperative that businesses establish and maintain a social media presence. However, Media Venue understands that not all business owners have the time for this commitment in their busy schedules. This is why we offer a social media management service that can not only create social media pages for your business on each platform but also write and post content so that you can get back to doing what you do best – running your business.
Ready to learn more about Media Venue’s social media management services? Visit the Media Venue website for more details.
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