When deciding how to spend their advertising dollars, many businesses may be surprised to discover that TV advertising is much more complicated than it originally appears. After all, there are several TV advertising options available. These options include cable, satellite, broadcast TV, and streaming TV (such as Apple TV and Hulu).
Cable advertising is one of several TV advertising solutions for business owners. It allows businesses to advertise on networks and across many markets. Through cable advertising, businesses have the option to target ads based on factors such as demographic, geography, behavior, and more. It can also be targeted based on the time of day, day of the week, or even specific programs so that you are reaching your target audience when and where they are most active.
Benefits of Advertising on Cable TV
In addition to the targeting capabilities mentioned above, cable advertising also has a behavioral targeting capability. This allows businesses to build campaigns based on lifestyles or interests. With a long list of demographically targeted networks and programming (such as HGTV, Travel Channel, Food Network, etc.), delivering a message to your desired behavioral audience can be very efficient. In this way, cable advertising can put your brand front and center in the targeted audience’s household.
Cable advertising’s targeted solutions also offer opportunities for hyper-local creativity. This is another factor that makes it stand out from other television advertising options. Businesses can create advertisements specifically for each local area and offer a more personalized message for the local area.
Other TV Advertising Options
Although broadcast stations reach the masses, it may make more sense for a local business to have a more targeted approach to its marketing plan. Most cable companies offer zones or territories that allow an advertiser to target their most profitable “neighborhoods” and eliminate wasted impressions (as broadcast TV requires you to buy an entire market or DMA). In this way, cable allows businesses to save money while also placing their advertisement directly in front of their target audience.
What Does it Cost?
Advertising on cable is a great option for businesses due to its affordable price tag over other TV advertising options. However, the cost can vary based on the frequency of spots, whether a rotator program is selected, etc.
Business owners should also consider the cost of the creative and any costs associated with personalizing that creative for local areas if utilizing the hyper-local capability of cable advertising. Partnering with an advertising agency—like Media Venue—is a great strategy when choosing to advertise on cable. Ad agencies have access to ratings, estimated impressions, and more to make sure that your advertisement will get placed at the times and channels where it is most likely to make a significant impact, while also staying within your business’s cable advertising budget.
Advertising on Cable Television
When choosing to advertise your business on cable, consider partnering with a marketing agency like Media Venue. Our experienced media buyers can help create a plan that fits within your budget. We will also negotiate desired spots so that your business’s ad will be heard by your target audience. Visit the Media Venue website today to learn more about our television advertising capabilities, and start by contacting the Media Venue team. Enhance your marketing investment with Media Venue!
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About Our Blogger
Jaclyn Grieshaber has over 14 years of experience in national, regional, and local media buying and planning. Along with her extensive knowledge of traditional media, Jaclyn is extremely focused on keeping up with the ever-changing industry standards. She provides the best information and advertising approaches for her clients based on her research and expertise.